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Data source: Tracking the 2022 monkeypox outbreak with epidemiological data in real-time
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
In the second quarter of 2022, outbreaks of monkeypox have sparked the world's attention. First recorded in the 1970s, human monkeypox transmission is usually confined in certain areas. However, since 13 May 2022, countries in Europe, America and Australia unexpectedly started to report cases of monkeypox. Between 1 Jan and 14 June 2022, some countries have reported over 400 confirmed cases (deeper orange colour represents more reported cases). As of the end of June 2022, the total number of confirmed cases worldwide reported to World Health Organization has exceeded 3000.
Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus, which belongs to the same genus of smallpox. Rodents are believed to be one of the main reservoirs of the monkeypox virus. It can be transmitted through direct contact with infected person, animals or contaminated objects. Symptoms such as fever and rash usually appear 5-21 days after infection.
Airplane icons on the map marked places where confirmed cases have travel history and arrows indicated travel routes of confirmed cases. As shown on the map, most countries reported confirmed cases with travel history. International travel may be the reason why monkeypox is spreading fast globally. Travellers are therefore advised to keep personal hygiene by washing hands frequently and report immediately if there are any symptoms.
Data for map were obtained from WHO website (www.who.int) and "Tracking the 2022 monkeypox outbreak with epidemiological data in real-time." published in Lancet.
Kraemer MUG, et al. Tracking the 2022 monkeypox outbreak with epidemiological data in real-time. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022:S1473-3099(22)00359-0.
2022年第二季,各地出現猴痘爆發,引起了全球關注。人類猴痘感染的最早紀錄是在上世紀70年代,通常限於地方性傳播。自2022年5月13日起,一些歐洲國家、澳洲、美洲等國家開始陸續發現猴痘個案。自2022年1月1日至6月14日,部分國家累計確診個案超過400宗 (越深橙色,代表確診個案總數越多)。截至2022年6月底,全球呈報世界衛生組織確診個案已超越三千宗 。
地圖上的飛機圖案標示代表當地確診個案中有外遊史 ,而箭咀則顯示確診個案的外遊路線。地圖上大部分發現猴痘的地區都有飛機圖案,可見國際旅遊可能是猴痘快速全球性傳播的原因。因此,外遊人士需要注意個人衛生,勤洗手,並且在出現任何可疑症狀時及時呈報衛生機構。
地圖資料源自世界衛生組織 (WHO)及刊於《刺針》名為"Tracking the 2022 monkeypox outbreak with epidemiological data in real-time." 的報告。
Kraemer MU, et al. Tracking the 2022 monkeypox outbreak with epidemiological data in real-time. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022:S1473-3099(22)00359-0.
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