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Data source: OurWorldInData
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
"Ending AIDS by 2030" is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. In 2020, UNAIDS announced the 95-95-95 milestone, aiming to achieve 95% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) knowing their status, 95% of PLHIV on treatment, and 95% of PLHIV on treatment with suppressed viral load. So far, one most effective approach for reducing HIV transmission in the population is Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) – meaning that HIV treatment to maintain undetectable viral load could prevent ongoing HIV transmissions.
In the Asia-Pacific region, there has been remarkable increase in the coverage of HIV treatment over the years, as shown by the darkening green colours on maps (please click the map to play the video). On the other hand, the estimated number of new HIV infection is also visibly smaller compared to a decade ago, indicating that we are getting closer to the goal year by year.
Continued effort is needed to identify undiagnosed infections and providing treatment to PLHIV in order to reach the 95-95-95 milestone in ending AIDS.
Data for the maps were extracted from OurWorldInData.
「2030年消除愛滋病」是聯合國可持續發展目標(SDG)之一,聯合國愛滋病規劃署 (UNAIDS) 在2020年宣佈了「95-95-95」里程碑,希望能達成 95%感染者知道自己的感染狀態、95%感染者正在接受治療及95%正在接受治療的感染者病毒載量達至測不到水平。目前為止,『治療達致防疫』(TasP)是有效減少HIV傳染的方法,意指透過接受HIV治療可確保病毒量保持於測不到的水平,防止進一步的傳播。
在亞太地區,接受治療的感染者百分比日益增多,在地圖上 (請按地圖以播放影片) 可見每年代表治療覆蓋率的綠色越來越深色。同一時間,與十年前比較,估計新感染人數也以可見速度逐年減少,表示我們正漸漸靠近目標。
What is HIV/ AIDS? 什麼是人類免疫力缺乏病毒感染/愛滋病?
How does HIV spread? 如何傳播?
Vaccine? Prevention? 如何預防?
Organisations 相關機構
Further information 詳細資料