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The first wave is gone 再見第一波

(added on 2010/02/23)

©2010 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: media reports and www.chp.gov.hk
Map created by Candy Wong and CUHK SpatioEpi Group


In Hong Kong, the first case of swine flu (Pandemic human influenza A (H1N1)) was reported on 1 May 2009. The first wave of the epidemic peaked between the third and fourth quarter of the year 2009. This map illustrates the cumulative number of reported cases by DCCA (District Council Constituency Area) in the five month period between May and September. The monthly numbers are shown in a bar chart for each of the 18 districts. The number has risen from less than 10 in some districts in May to over 1000 in September. The spread has not been an even one on a spatial scale. As regular testing and reporting of swine flu stopped after September 2009, subsequent spread cannot be plotted in time and space. Government laboratory surveillance data suggested that the proportion of influenza cases tested positive for swine flu has fallen from >70% in September to below 20% in November 2009. Influenza-like illness surveillance reported low activities in the subsequent months and has remained low by January 2010. So, we have finally said goodbye to the first wave! This map was constructed from data obtained from Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong Government Department of Health.

2009年5月1日,香港報告首例豬流感『人類甲型流感(H1N1)2009』個案,第一波在同年第三、四季之間達到高峰。地圖顯示2009年5月至9月期間,各區議會選舉選區(DCCA)的豬流感累積感染人數,而圖表則顯示各區(18區) 每月呈報人數。感染報告由五月的一般少於十人,上升至九月某些區域的千多人,分佈並不平均。九月以後政府停止常規測試和呈報,再沒有數據追蹤豬流感的時間和空間擴散情況。從政府化驗室的監測結果所知,豬流感測試的陽性率由2009年9月的高逾70%,下降至11月的20%以下。而往後數月的流感樣(流感症狀)監測數目徘徊在低水平,至2010年1月情況維持不變。我們終於可以和豬流感第一波說一聲『再見』。地圖數據源自香港政府衛生署衛生防護中心。

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